Dear Apache users,

We need some guidance (or) installation steps on how to implement the PKI
token certificates with Apache Web Server 2.2.3 for authentication purposes.
Currently our production environment uses the iPlanet 6.1 webserver and
Weblogic 10.0 as the application layer. The iPlanet 6.1 webserver will be
migrated to Apache 2.2.3 and the PKI Token certificate will be configured
for the authentication. We currently do not have expertise in our group in
how to configure the Apache 2.2.3 webserver with the PKI token certification
for authentication. Any reference materials or steps invovled in configuring
the PKI Token certificate for authentication will be helpful.

OS = Linux ( SLES 10 MP2)
Apache Version = 2.2.3
Application = Custom J2EE application
Application Server = WebLogic 10.0

Thank you ,

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