According to mod_mime documentation

Context:    server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess

"Files having the name extension will be served by the specified
handler-name. This mapping is added to any already in force, overriding any
mappings that already exist for the same extension"

so your config should be ok. Did you test if it doesn't work? Do the .cgi
extension work for the host? Have you added

Options +ExecCGI

to make the files cgi executable for the appropriate directory in that
virtual host?

Post the vhost config if still having problems.


On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 9:49 AM, Axel Gallus <>wrote:

>  Hello,
> I use apache in a virtual host environment.....
> My main server is configured with
> LoadModule php5_module  modules/
> AddType application/x-httpd-php         .php
> AddType application/x-httpd-php-source  .phps
> DirectoryIndex  index.html index.htm index.shtml index.php index.php3
> index.cgi
> AddHandler      cgi-script      .cgi
> so that only *.cgi files get executed via interpreter in my
> vhost-documentroot.
> I also want the *.php files to be executed as cgi, so I added
> AddHandler      cgi-script      .cgi .php
> to my perosnal vhost-config-section
> However, it seems that the main server config dominates the cgi-script
> *.php config.
> Is there a way to also treat .php files as cgi scripts in my virtualhost
> under
> this circumstances, how?
> Thx and regards
> A.Gallus

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