I have set up php, mysql and apache 2.2

but I can't seem to get mod_rewrites to work

things that worked fine on xp and also linux just don't work on windows 7
wordpress and cakephp rewrites

but have also tried a simple test as follows

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule bob.html alice.html

I have a single html file named alice.html abd an index.html file which
links to
bob.html and alice.html

only the alice.html link works the other is error 404

I get this in access log for bob - - [11/Nov/2010:16:33:41 +0000] "GET /mtest/bob.html HTTP/1.1"
404 212

and in error log

[Thu Nov 11 16:29:42 2010] [error] [client] File does not exist:
C:/www/htdocs/mtest/bob.html, referer: http://ss33/mtest/

would greatly appreciate any ideas to resolve this

thx  - S

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