
I'm new to apache.  And I don't know where to begin with the document. May
be someone can help me to point to the right module or place in the

I have two servers behind NAT. 
-       Server 1 - I have two servlets running under one tomcat instance
using port 80
-       Server 2 - I have two servlets running under two different tomcat
instances using port 141 and 142

Currently, all servlets has domain names pointing to it from a domain
hosting companies. However, only one server is on port 80, and the other two
instances on server 2 is on different port. I'm having problem forwarding
from domain hosting because they don't support forwarding to other port
other than 80. They said I should try using apache, and let apache take port
80 and forward the traffic to specific servers and servlets internally. That
way I can also mask the IP on the browser. But looking at the document, I
don't know where to start. MOD_REWRITE? IP based virtual host. Name based
virtual host?  Can someone point me to the right direction.

All the servers are behind NAT.

Please give me some lead.

Ahmad Pakhri Yahya

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