
(Yes I've read the documentation section about merging sections, but
IMHO it's not absolutely clear IMHO)

I have one vhost containing about:
<Location />
and possibly also a later location-section on /, containing other
directives, e.g.
<Location />
        #do e.g. some proxy stuff

(and yes it's unfortunately required to have two separate sections)

Is the SSLRequireSSL still active, after the merging?

I now it says "later sections override earlier ones"... but what exactly
does "override" mean here,.. "completely" or just those directives which
are defined in the later section?

Or in more general words, having:
<Location />
        directiveA value1
        directiveB value1
<Location />
        directiveB value2
        directiveC value2

Will the merged result be like:
<Location />
        directiveA value1
        directiveB value2
        directiveC value2
or just
<Location />
        directiveB value2
        directiveC value2

I used to thought it's always (except for +/- directives like Options or
so) like the former of the two ways, but it seems to be not always like
that, at least with Order/Deny/Allow.


Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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