Hello All,

We have a problem with one reverse proxy. The problem is that there is only
one Tomcat backend server but sometimes the connection between the Apache &
Tomcat gets broken (we are still investogate the cause) To decrease the
outage time we want to decrease the retry time while Apache re-connect to
the Tomcat server.

By default this value is 60 sec, we want to decrease it to 10.

I've tried to configure it as:

        ProxyPass / https://tomcat.server.ip/ retry=10 keepalive=on
        ProxyPassReverse / https://tomcat.server.ip/

but from the log files we still see that the Apache server waits 60 secs
instead of 10 :(

Does someone any idea what did I missed?

Thanks in advance!

Üdvözlettel / Best Regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen

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