On March 29, 2011 22:01 , "Liu JinGang" <li...@cn.fujitsu.com>  wrote:

As Eric and Mark said, do you have the document or web-link file explain this viewpoint?( Apache doesn't discriminate the http methods to access CGI.)

I do not know of any document that explains the viewpoint. However, you can observe and test that Apache does not discriminate.

Also, Apache *will* discriminate if you use the Limit and LimitExcept directives. So you can have either behavior. Since you can have either behavior, I hope a document is not necessary.

I apologize if I do not understand the question.

Then my mail said that:

*> And then if I access the HTML file of "/opt/web/htroot" , the result as following:*

*> The GET, HEAD, OPTIONS can access the HTML file. I don't set the *

*> limits except TRACE. This is the default ?*


The default is that all methods are accepted. The purpose of Apache is to serve web content in reponse to HTTP requests. So when Apache receives an HTTP request, it tries to serve the content, unless you tell Apache not to serve the content or unless there is some problem with the request.

Your list of methods (above) is not complete. With the configuration from your first email message, other methods will also be accepted for accessing the HTML file. For example, the POST method will be accepted to access the HTML file. I can use the "curl" program to send a POST request for /index.html on my web server:

curl --data foo=1 --data bar=2 http://f14dev1.catseye.org/index.html

When I run the above command, the request is sucessful, even though this is just a static HTML file (no CGI):

2011-03-30T06:40:37.984640-0400 - - f14dev1.catseye.org:80 "POST /index.html HTTP/1.1" +200/200 876us 265/475/729 pid=1459 "curl/7.21.0 (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.21.0 NSS/ zlib/1.2.5 libidn/1.18 libssh2/1.2.4" "-"

(I use a special LogFormat directive, so the log line above is not the default one that Apache usually uses. But hopefully it is understandable: " contacts f14dev1.catseye.org and makes the request 'POST /index.html' which succeeds with HTTP status code 200")

I hope this helps. Please let me know if I am answering the wrong questions.

  Mark Montague

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