
I'm having a problem matching a single character in case of UTF8 characters
(hebrew in my case).

With rewrite rule (sorry for the hebrew in the example, but whenever you see
'?' it's a sign that it's not good :):

   - RewriteRule ^/users/(.)(.*) /users/$1/$2 [L]

when going to /users/משהכהן
I see in the logs:

> go-ahead with /var/www/html/users/?/?שהכהן [OK]

After searching the pcre docs, I've found that I have to enable UTF-8 mode.
In nginx I can do it like this:
rewrite (*UTF8)^/users/(.)(.*) users/$1/$2 last;

But the (*UTF8) syntax causes a syntax error in httpd 2.2.3 (CentOS 5.x).

Any ideas how to enable UTF-8 mode in RewriteRule?

Thanks in advance

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