This is the extract from source file server/mpm/prefork/prefork.c:

/* Limit on the total --- clients will be locked out if more servers than
 * this are needed.  It is intended solely to keep the server from crashing
 * when things get out of hand.
 * We keep a hard maximum number of servers, for two reasons --- first off,
 * in case something goes seriously wrong, we want to stop the fork bomb
 * short of actually crashing the machine we're running on by filling some
 * kernel table.  Secondly, it keeps the size of the scoreboard file small
 * enough that we can read the whole thing without worrying too much about
 * the overhead.


On 15 June 2011 09:53, Patrick Proniewski

> Hello,
> I'm using Munin to monitor few Apache servers.
> The apache_processes plugin parse the output of
> , which looks like this:
> Total Accesses: 20492
> Total kBytes: 833698
> CPULoad: .0142742
> Uptime: 67703
> ReqPerSec: .302675
> BytesPerSec: 12609.6
> BytesPerReq: 41660.5
> BusyWorkers: 3
> IdleWorkers: 9
> Scoreboard:
> __._.__._..___.KKW..................**cut**......................................
> BusyWorkers and IdleWorkers numbers are ok. But Scoreboard displays twice
> the real number of slots configured in httpd config.
> I have this config:
> <IfModule mpm_prefork_module>
>    StartServers          5
>    MinSpareServers       5
>    MaxSpareServers      10
>    MaxClients          128
>    MaxRequestsPerChild   10000
> </IfModule>
> I expect Scoreboard to display 128 slots, but it displays 256. Does it come
> from the fact I'm running Apache on ports 80 AND 443?
> regards,
> --
> Administrateur Système - DSI - Université Lumière Lyon 2

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