On 13 juil. 2011, at 07:23, Ashwin Kesavan wrote:

> And make sure it is not a case access to your server having httpd is 
> compromised ? look though the apache httpd conf files and its included files 
> and look for the parameter redirect ..... or some url rewite rule through 
> mod_rewrite rules. Did you access log recorded any redirect http code, I 
> think the http code is 3xx. Instead of thinking at big things like DNS cache 
> poisioning, first make sure something under your nose is missed.

Say you are the hacker: you gain access to the real server, with privileges 
high enough to change apache config and restart the daemon. What is the point 
in redirecting users to your own server when you can gain access to user data 
(webmail login and password, then mailbox content) without anybody noticing? 

I think Franck has no idea what's going on, and he should really investigate, 
gather evidence and technical facts before we continue to enumerate every kind 
of possible compromise :/

Administrateur Système - DSI - Université Lumière Lyon 2

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