On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 1:06 PM, Tim Watts <t...@dionic.net> wrote:
> On 28/07/11 19:23, Joel Donahue wrote:
>> I am setting up a reverse proxy to an internal webserver from an
>> apache server with a public IP. I want to use Basic Auth and SSL on
>> the public apache server which then forwards standard http, non-ssl
>> traffic, to the internal webserver. Basic auth with ProxyPass works
>> perfectly without using ssl but when using ssl the browser prompts me
>> for the credentials but apache never accepts them as valid. Accessing
>> the internal site with ssl and ProxyPass WITHOUT basic auth required
>> works as well.
>> This configuration works great without using ssl:
>> <VirtualHost *:80>
>> ProxyPass / http://site.internal/ retry=0
>> ProxyPassReverse / http://site.internal/
>> ProxyPreserveHost On
>> <Location />
>> AuthType Basic
>> AuthName "Restricted Area"
>> AuthUserFile /usr/local/apache/access-file
>> Require valid-user
>> </Location>
>> </VirtualHost>
>> However this configuration does not work, however if I remove basic
>> auth I can get through:
>> <VirtualHost *:443>
>> ProxyPass / http://site.interal/ retry=0
>> ProxyPassReverse / http://site.internal/
>> ProxyPreserveHost On
>> <Location />
>> AuthType Basic
>> AuthName "AFC Restricted Access"
>> AuthUserFile /user/local/apache/access-file
>> Require valid-user
>> </Location>
>> <VirtualHost>
>> What am I missing?
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> Anything in the apache logs?
> I can't see anything straight off that's wrong.
> Here's the recipe I use which is known to work:
> http://squiddy.blog.dionic.net/2011/06/apache-22-pam-authentication-and-ssl.html
> That breaks it down a bit, and does more (always does an SSL redirect for an
> auth'd location for security) but it should work for you if you change the
> Auth* lines in /etc/apache2/snippets/auth
> I tend to dispense with ProxyPass in favour of Rewrite rules with the Proxy
> flag - just for my sanity, as then I can be sure of the order of execution
> of the various rewrites.
> But I do a lot of what you are doing (in my case, proxy through to various
> tomcat servers) mixed with PAM (ultimately LDAP) auth - but any auth method
> will work with the recipe above...
> It looks fiddly, but there is an explanation and the snippets/* files are
> invariant across sites/servers (unless you need different auth methods or
> files of course).
> Sorry - in a rush, supper cooked - I'll come back later if anything doesn;t
> make sense...
> Cheers
> Tim
> --
> Tim Watts
> Personal Blog: http://www.dionic.net/tim/
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I got it working now. I didn't see anything in the logs to start with
because I wasn't checking the ssl logs.
It was a simple typo. I used 'user' and not 'usr'

AuthUserFile /user/local/apache/access-file
changed to
AuthUserFile /usr/local/apache/access-file

Thanks for your help Tim.

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