Nick Kew wrote:
On Thu, 15 Sep 2011 17:01:17 -0400
"J.Lance Wilkinson" <> wrote:

Now, I am NOT a Database person. I used what was in the mod_authn_dbd documentation just to get started. The mod_dbd docs says this selects an apr_dbd driver name. It's not clear to me if I even HAVE any apr_dbd drivers installed on this machine (yet). Presuming somebody locally will be taking
care of setting up the Oracle connection(s) needed, what apr_dbd stuff do I
need, where do I find it, what do I do with it?

Look in the APR libs directory for a file called,, and similarly-named files.  Those are driver files.

        Do I need to load these as modules, too?  Or do they get dynamically
        associated from the library when the DBDriver directive calls for them?
        Or do they get statically linked into when included in the
        package build?

If you build the server yourself, you (may) have to use
"--with-foo" configuration options.  If you installed from
packages, check your packager's docs.

        They're not present in my lib directory or any other subordinate
        to the server root.  Platform that I'm concerned about is Solaris 10,
        so there's no packager involved (a colleague built the entire package
        several years ago).  Guess I have to rebuild the package w/
        --with-SOMETHING for the oracle or perhaps odbc drivers.
Igor Cicimov wrote:
> Hmmm not sure really but that driver name sounds like is for PostgreSQL
> database :)

        Your guess is as good as mine on that.  It was simply copied verbatim
        from the configuration example at


        as a starting point for developing a configuration.

J.Lance Wilkinson ("Lance")           InterNet:
Systems Design Specialist - Lead        Phone: (814) 865-4870
Digital Library Technologies            FAX:   (814) 863-3560
E3 Paterno Library
Penn State University
University Park, PA 16802

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