follows to be 200 and accepted
I paste my .htaccess with paste expiration 1 day
rewrite00 <http://pastebin.com/fT14WcDq>

In wait

2011/9/19 topinambour #### <otpinamb...@gmail.com>

> Hi
> I have some problems about
> to write rewriterule in .htaccess
> I use spip and URL_propre
> URL read by google as :
> #URL_site/#URL_ARTICLE?page=fr
> i would want to use to remove:?lang=fr and do :
> Summary, it would be :
> http://monsite.org/-Description-?lang=fr
> to redirect to
> http://monsite.org/-Description-
> I write :
> RewriteRule  ^\?lang=fr$    ^[^\.]$ [L,R=302]
> nothing do
> any ideas please

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