
If you are allowing users to upload files, and you also have content type
handlers and activated modules for executing scripts, you are creating a big
window of opportunity for your site to get hacked.

In the specific example you cite (PHP), you can do something about it by
focusing on the php module's configuration.  For example, you might try
adding the "file handling" family of functions to the list of functions that
are forbidden.  That might make your implementation safe and it might not.
 Your first indication that it isn't keeping you safe would come from you
recognizing that new files are in place or that existing files had been
modified -- and by then it may well be too late.  In the meantime, users
will be finding scripts (perfectly innocent scripts, as far as they and you
are concerned) are not working as expected due to the turned-off functions.
 Your users are not happy, and your site is not secure, and you are spending
more and more time thinking about it instead of whatever other activity
comprises the rest of your normal workflow.

Are there other script languages that you allow?  Python, perl, etc?
Do you want to run around to each script module's configuration, trying to
guess what code a malicious user might executing on your system, and then
attempt to tweak the configuration to disallow that bad activity?

If you allow users to have arbitrary files on your web host due to your
decision to mirror their home directory, turn off your scripting modules and
deactivate those content types.  If you do that, a PHP script becomes just
another text file that ends in "php", not a potential bomb waiting to go off
in your face.

"But what if I need all these scripting modules installed to run some other
software I like?"  I suppose you could allow the scripting to be enabled,
but attack the problem from the other end: the files.  Look at the software
you are using to do the mirroring, and configure/modify it to ignore (as in,
NOT MIRROR) files with extensions that map to script processors.  For this
to work, you have to ban every file name that could end up being presented
to the script module for execution.

Bottom line: If you allow users have arbitrary files to your server, files
that anyone can execute with a HTTP request, you are asking for trouble.
 Other files getting uploaded is not the only bad thing that can happens to
your site, it's just one of many possible approaches to breaking what is a
fundamentally insecure setup.

Don't do it.



On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 5:53 AM, Hugo Gomes <> wrote:

> Hi all,
>        I have a webserver where the users homes are copied to a folder, and
> I
> want to assume that users can not make a script (for instance .php) to
> let upload files.
>        In my httpd config file i have this directive that assumed it was
> enough, but now i saw that people can still upload files with some .php
> scripts that users have in their home.
>        Order allow,deny
>        Allow from all
>  </Limit>
>        Order deny,allow
>        Deny from all
>  </Limit>
>        What configuration directive can i insert in the config file to
> don't
> allow users could upload files to their homes through php scripts
> (move_uploaded_file)
>        Best regards,
>        Hugo Gomes
> --
> *************************************************
>     Hugo Gomes
>     LIP
>     Av. Elias Garcia 14, 1ยบ
>     1000-149 Lisboa, Portugal
>     Telef.:  +351- 217 998 587
>     URL:
>     E-mail:
> *************************************************
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