On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 9:49 PM, Alexandr Normuradov <norma...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Use MPM ITK.
> Solves security, memory and speed problems.
> Tested in production, very good alternative for environments when
> users are not very savvy and not require custom php.ini

I use ITK with great results, but it needs to be configured for every
virtual host individually.
I believe the original poster is looking for a solution that will work with

I should add that I do not know of any universities that allow students to
run arbitrary code on the primary servers.
At the University of Maryland, you can not run ANY code on the users
server<http://terpconnect.umd.edu>(they used to allow SSI, but that is
gone now too) and many departments
require an internal audit of your application before they will let it run on
their servers.

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