I'm not familiar with the windows variant, however, have you checked the 

The Registrar <the_regist...@hotmail.com> wrote:

>Hi, I just installed the Apache 2.2.21 version on my Windows XP SP3.  When I 
>do a simple html for testing under http://localhost/main.html  the images 
>referenced in the html are displayed randomly; some gets displayed and some 
>don't, even though they are all in the same directory C:\Program Files\Apache 
>Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\images  
>If I enter http://localhost/images/image1.jpg or 
>http://localhost/images/image2.jpg etc.  some will show but some will not show 
>for no apparent reason.  The ones that don't show will have an error message 
>-> The image "http://localhost/images/image1.jpg"; cannot be displayed because 
>it contains errors".  But these images are perfectly fine and located in the 
>right directory.  Just don't know why they would not show.  I found an article 
>way back it seems that the 2.x version have this problem and the user went 
>back to 1.3 and there is no such problem. Your help is greatly appreciated.

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