Should something be modified in Apache modules when maintaining persistent
memory?  I am having a problem with a linked list implementation that I
wrote which I am linking with my apache module to maintain a list of
sessions so that I can track web sessions connecting to our web site at
work.  I have no trouble when using this linked list implementation outside
of Apache ( I have a simple test file written in C that simulates sessions
and I do not have any problems  when running the test), however when I test
my module in apache on "real" data, I notice that my linked list is seen as
null in situations when it should not be so.  I can attach relevant parts of
my code if needed, but I would like to know if there are any known steps
that need to be taken for apache to properly maintain thread safety.  I am
using semaphores to protect the integrity of my linked lists across threads
defined in the semaphore.h header file.  




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