Hi everyone,

I have a WSGI application running in a vhost, and I'd like to setup authorisations based on path. As I want to avoid to have to modify the vhost each time a new resource/user is added or modified I wish to use the "require group" to grant access.

The idea is to delegate authorisation to a script thanks to the WSGI directive "WSGIAuthGroupScript".

I read the documentation of the Require directive and something is not clear for me, as I'm not a native english speaker : "Access controls which are applied in this way are effective for *all* methods. *This is what is normally desired*. If you wish to apply access controls only to specific methods, while leaving other methods unprotected, then place the Require statement into a <Limit> section."

What is a "method" in this context ?

As the authn and authz directives will be implemented in a global directory section including all the fqdn, if someone is authorised on path "/test1", will it be authorised to "/test2" ? The script can't give this access, but will apache ask the script at each GET request, or will it cache something ? This is what I fear because I don't understand clearly what a "method" is here.
I hope the question is clear enough.

The best solution would be to delegate all the authn & authz to the application, and to avoid apache, but this is out of the scope of my limitations.

Thanks for your help,
Bastien Semene

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