
When I have e.g.
<Directory /path/toVhostRoot>
        Options none
        AllowOverride none
        Satisfy all
        Order allow,deny
        Deny from all

and I make a subdir with just:
<Directory /path/toVhostRoot/subdir>
        Allow from all

1) Then all of:
        Options none
        AllowOverride none
        Satisfy all
        Order allow,deny
are inherited by the subdir, right?

2) How's about <Files> sections (somehow inside/below such a <Directory>
As far as applicable, when I have something like:
<Directory /path/toVhostRoot>
        <Files foo>
or in a deeper subdir:
<Directory /path/toVhostRoot/subdir>
        <Files foo>
those directives would be inherited, too, right?

3) How's about <Location> sections (somehow inside/below such a
<Directory> section.
<Directory /path/toVhostRoot>
        <Location foo>
or in a deeper subdir:
<Directory /path/toVhostRoot/subdir>
        <Location foo>

Would it be inherited?
Would the <Location> sections even match, if the don't point to a file,
matched by the surrounding <Directory>? And would it, if it does?

4) How's that for Location/Files not below/inside the above <Directory>?
<Directory /path/toVhostRoot>
        Options none
        AllowOverride none
        Satisfy all
        Order allow,deny
        Deny from all
<Files foo>
<Location foo>

a) If Files matches a file, below /path/toVhostRoot ... it would also
inherit the options, right?

b) What about Location? Is the same true here?
Cause if Location matches just something virtual that doesn't exist in
the filesystem,... it would probably "inherit" nothing from the


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