Hi, all,

Happy new year!!!

I'm trying to understand how are the requested URIs translated into local
resource names in Apache. For example, how does Apache know which resource
name the "http"//XXX/image/test.png" points to. What if we use "Alias" or
"Redirect" directives?

I looked at the request.c file. It seems such job is done by the function
"ap_run_translate_name()" and "ap_run_map_to_storage()". However, I cannot
find the definition or implementation of these functions at all. It only
appears in exports.c and httpd.exp. Both of them are not the
definition/implementation of these functions.

Could anyone tell me how can I find the implementation of the function
"ap_run_translate_name" and "ap_run_map_to_storage"?

Thanks a lot for your help!!

Best regards,

Tianyin XU,

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