Gents, hate to bring up this issue again, does anyone have any suggestions?
 Its becoming a bit worrisome...


On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 5:43 PM, V B <> wrote:

> Guys,
>   Testing with :
>    RewriteRule ^/(.*) balancer://blah/$1 [P]
>   Same problem...
> Thanks!
> On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 12:05 PM, V B <> wrote:
>> Gents,
>>   This appears to be an issue for Linux, Apache 2.2.15, compiled from
>> source... extfiler=shared....
>>   Whilst you are able to execute ExtFilters on local files, a Reverse
>> Proxy configuration does not work the same way.
>>   This has been reported here:
>>   Config:
>> <VirtualHost *:80>
>>         ServerAdmin
>>         DocumentRoot /usr/local/apache/htdocs/
>>         ServerName
>>         ServerAlias
>>         ErrorLog logs/
>>         CustomLog logs/ combined
>>         <Proxy balancer://>
>>                 BalancerMember http://ip1
>>                 BalancerMember http://ip2
>>         </Proxy>
>>         ExtFilterDefine fixtext mode=output intype=text/html
>> cmd="/bin/sed s/html/HTML/ig"
>>         SetOutputFilter fixtext
>>         RewriteEngine on
>>         ProxyPass / balancer://
>>         ProxyPassReverse / balancer://
>> </VirtualHost>
>> I am completely out of thoughts on this matter.  If you guys could help,
>> that would be wonderful....
>> Thanks!
>> Vasiliy
>> PS  Removing the revproxy, and things work like a charm.

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