The sites-available/default site is enabled as sites-enabled/000-default by a2ensite in order to ensure that it is loaded and parsed first. If your new virtual host conflicts with it then naturally you'll have problems but if your current site is implemented using it then naturally getting rid of it will cause problems. You need to go through your configuration and completely understand it before making changes. Read the relevant Apache reference manual sections at (you can also install the doc locally by installing the apache2-doc package using sudo apt-get install apache2-doc). There is no shortage of good information on the web concerning Apache configuration but you might want to seed your search with "ubuntu" or "ubuntu 10.04" so that the configuration files discussed correspond with yours. You can start with

On 22/02/12 22:41, wrote:
Well, it's a relief to know that our setup isn't completely wrong, however the 
fact the tutorials my company provides are super outdated is kind of 
depressing. Does anyone have any links to good up-to-date tutorials for 
administering Apache?

The problem I had that started this whole business was that I'm trying to 
install another virtual host by putting a link in the sites-enabled directory 
and linking it to a config file in sites-available. However the setup is 
getting confused by the default file in sites-available. The troubleshooting 
for the application I'm installing (ReviewBoard, if anyone is familiar with 
it), suggests getting rid of the default file, but when I do that the rest of 
the things we have hosted on that server crash. Is there a way to rename/relink 
or move that default file so that nothing changes on the front end? Or can I 
insert the contents of that file in one of the setup files maybe?

-----Original Message-----
From: Keith Brown []
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 3:32 PM
Subject: Re: [users@httpd] Apache Configuration Cleanup Help

What you're seeing are the standard Debian/Ubuntu configuration files for 
Apache. The configuration is broken up across several files in an attempt to 
make administration simpler:

/etc/apache2/apache2.conf - main configuration file; usually not necessary to 
change; pulls in via the Include directive ports.conf, security, modules confs 
and loads, httpd.conf, and virtual host confs

/etc/apache2/ports.conf - interface/port-related directives like Listen, and 
NameVirtualHost if you're using name-based virtual hosts; very important

/etc/apache2/conf.d/security - security-related directives like ServerSignature

/etc/apache2/mods-available/<module>.conf and<module>.load - directives for 

/etc/apache2/httpd.conf - main server directives e.g. ServerName that are not 
in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf; if you're not using virtual servers then most of 
the remainder of your configuration would typically go here

/etc/apache2/sites-available/<site>  - directives for virtual host<site>

Not only is there a particular configuration file setup. But there are also scripts used to 
enable and disable modules and sites. E.g. a2enmod<module>  creates a symbolic link 
to /etc/apache2/mods-available/<module>
in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ and a2dismod<module>  deletes it. a2ensite<site>  and 
a2dissite<site>  work similarly. Only the -enabled directories are pulled into 

It takes some getting used to, but this approach keeps things nicely segregated 
and is a big help in a complicated setup.


On 21/02/12 20:17, wrote:
I’ve recently inherited the administration duties of my team’s Apache
server. I’m new to Apache, but I’ve been picking up as much as I can
through tutorials and Google, and from what I can tell the original
setup of our server is messy. Someone decided it was a good idea to
configure the server to startup using apache2.conf, then use
httpd.conf and ports.conf as secondary configuration files. I’d like
to standardize our setup – to that end, I’ve taken a standard
httpd.conf file from my company’s tutorial, merged in all our settings
from the trio of config files and attempted to refresh Apache with the
new file. It won’t start with the file named httpd.conf, it complains
that there’s no apache2.conf file to read, but even if I name the file
how the server expects I get errors that look pretty basic to me. For
example, I get the error: “ Invalid command 'ServerType', perhaps
misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server
configuration.” I receive the same error for the UserDir property,
among others.

With the setup I’ve described, is there any way to figure out what is
going on? Why it looks for the wrong file at first, and why it can’t
recognize standard properties like ServerType? Am I missing pieces of
the installation? Or should I just keep commenting out everything
that’s causing problems? We’re running Apache version 2.2.14 on an
Ubuntu installation, version 10.04.3.

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