On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 1:01 PM, Tom Evans <tevans...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> So, we've been trying to track disappearing requests. We see lots of
> requests that go via the CDN to reach our data centre failing with
> error code 503. This error message is produced by the CDN, and the
> request is not logged in either of the FEPs.
> We've been trying to track what happens with tcpdump running at SQUID
> and at FW. At SQUID, we see a POST request for a resource, followed by
> a long wait, and then a 503 generated by the CDN. Interestingly, 95%
> of the failing requests are POST requests.
> Tracking that at FW, we see the request coming in, and no reply from
> the FEP. The connection is a keep-alive connection, and had just
> completed a similar request 4 seconds previously, to which we returned
> a 200 and data. This (failing) request is made on the same connection,
> we reply with an ACK, then no data for 47 seconds (same wait as seen
> by squid), and finally the connection is closed with a FIN.

Sorry, one final thing - we can see these hanging connections on the FEP:

netstat -an | head -n 2 ; netstat -an | fgrep EST | fgrep -v  "tcp4       0"

This shows the established sockets with unread recv-q. Obviously not
every socket shown is hanging; but by observing it over an extended
(10s) period, you can quickly see connections whose recv-q is not



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