Mysterious Mose wrote:
Good morning Lance,

    I don't think your regexp is quite right. You could test it out with
grep or sed or something by echoing in the string from the log.

    You have:


    I think you mean:


    That is, I believe you want to backslash the period after umg to treat
it as a literal, rather than having a forward slash which is not in
your example strings.

        Aha... I HATE regular expressions.  Well, I've lots of other rewrite
        rules in the same configurations where .html matches so do I need to
        escape the "." after "umg" at all, I wonder.

    I'm not completely sure about the (.html|/(.*)?) part because I'm not
sure what you're trying to do there. I'm wondering if you mean to have
the question mark outside of the outer parentheses, but it may be
perfectly correct as you have it, I just don't know.

        I want to treat
        {optional superordinate}umg.{something matches}.html
        {optional superordinate }umg.{something matches}/{subordinate} to the
        same handling restrictions.   I use this kind of pattern in a lot of
        other restriction impositions in my server.
J.Lance Wilkinson ("Lance")           InterNet:
Systems Design Specialist - Lead        Phone: (814) 865-4870
Digital Library Technologies            FAX:   (814) 863-3560
E3 Paterno Library
Penn State University
University Park, PA 16802

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