Hello Guys,

I have the following requirement:

"Add a http header if the request is from an iphone."
ps: this request will be proxied to a apache tomcat server with mod_proxy.

I have checked the mod_headers documentation and it says to use the

My apache's version is 2.2.19 and I am trying this configuration:

SetEnvIf %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} value "iphone" [NC]
RequestHeader add deviceType  "HighEnd"

Also, I tried this:
SetEnvIf User-Agent value "iphone" [NC]
RequestHeader add deviceType  "HighEnd"

Those "SerEnvIf" are not working and probably I am doing something wrong.

I have done lots of research on google and then tried lots of settings but
nothing is working.

Do you guys have an idea how I can get it working? I would really
appreciate your help.


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