After factoring in the suggestions from a number of folks here (thanks!) I 
still have problems getting a working configuration.

Many pages depend on PHP and I upgraded PHP to version 5.4.0, compiled it 
as an apxs module in conjunction with Apache 2.4.1 resulting in 


and in the config file:

   LoadModule php5_module        modules/

   <Filesmatch \.php$>
         SetHandler application/x-httpd-php

These were actually inserted by the PHP make install function.

When I try to serve a PHP based page I get a browser message:
   "You have attempted to open a file of type PHP; what should FireFox 
   do with it?" and it gives options to open with KWrite or save to disk.

Obviously PHP should have processed the file before it was served.  It looks 
like PHP is not starting but in the past this has never been necessary and 
I don't see anything specific in the docs for either Apache or PHP as to how 
to do it.  



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