On 23.04.12 13:45, Petr Hracek wrote:
I have observed some tricky problem with environtment variable COLUMNS
during the starting of apache2-2.2.21

Sometimes this variable is set to more then 80 characters and higher variable
causes problems with CGI scripts which check ps output

Do you have any idea why this variable is set to more then 80
characters and how to unset them?

I found this to be a problem in Debian 6.0 and some Ubuntu versions, which set COLUMNS and LINES in /etc/csh.cshrc environment variables.

I have filled up bugreport because that pretty sucks (bash sets COLUMNS and LINES too, but as its variables, not environment). It should be fixed already, but you may comment it on your system.

To fix, use "ww" as option for 'ps' so it does not truncats its output.
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