So where are your Listen statements for ports 5001/2?
 On Apr 24, 2012 7:56 PM, "M. Lebbink" <> wrote:

> Gentlepeople,
> Got the following situation that I can't seem to solve. Would love some
> suggestions or a faq/link on how to
> solve this:
> Running a Ubuntu LAMP with 2 virtual hosts, let's say &
> site1 is on port 80 and site 2 is on 443. Both working fine and if I switch
> site1 to 443 and site2 to 80, both
> still work fine.
> Now for the issue. I want, using Redirect Permanent, for site1 to run on
> port 5001 and site2 to run on port
> 5002 both using SSL. Port 443 can then be closed. But if I replace port 443
> with port 5001 or 5002, it all falls
> apart with an Error code: ssl_error_rx_record_too_long. Seems I can't find
> the correct syntax for the
> Redirect Permanent.
> Somehow there should be something like: Redirect permanent /
>, but that does not
> work. A redirect to works, but gives the
> ssl_error.
> Current working config (with parts left out):
> ports.conf
>        NameVirtualHost *:80
>        <IfModule mod_ssl.c>
>             Listen 443
>        </IfModule>
>        <IfModule mod_gnutls.c>
>             Listen 443
>        </IfModule>
> Host definition in sites-available for the ssl site
>        <VirtualHost *:80>
>                ServerAdmin
>                ServerName
>                Redirect permanent /
>        </VirtualHost>
>        <VirtualHost *:443>
>                ServerAdmin
>                ServerName
>                SSLEngine on
>                SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/apache.pem
>        </VirtualHost>
> Changing all 443 for 5001 does not do the trick.... what am I missing
> here...?
> If it helps, I run my one DNS forward and reverse working fine and private
> proxy also working fine.
> Met vriendelijke groet, Kind regards,
> M. Lebbink
> PhotographITy
> Almere
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