Hello all,

I need to create many very similar LocationMatch directives
with Auth directives inside, since each location needs to be
restricted to a different user. I am looking for a means to get
this functionality that is more maintainable than adding/
removing many similar chunks of config by passing data from
a LocationMatch regexp to the Auth directives. Does anybody
have any idea how I might go about this? Pseudo-code:

<LocationMatch "/private/(.+)" >
AuthType Digest
AuthDigestFile /var/data/httpd/auth/$1

Or some other means of acheiving the deesired result: /private/bob requires
certain credentials to access and /private/mary requires other credentials,
with minimal config; ideally write-once, and no further
maintenance/modification/duplication required.

Thanks in advance!

P.S. Sorry for any HTML in the message, gmail for Android has no text-only

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