Look at Files and FilesMatch

On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 4:19 AM, Rommel Sharma <rommelsha...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi All,
> Googled for this specific scenario but could not come to a consensus on
> the solution so checking with this mailing list.
> I need to do the following:
>    1. Allow access to only a few web pages from only a few IP adresses.
>    Its not a domain wide restriction but only to select few pages.
>    2. The web pages being requested could reside in jboss or in htdocs.
>    Main requirement is to avoid hit to the app server for IP address check and
>    make the decision to block or allow requests at the Apache httpd server
>    layer itself.
>    3. If request is to be blocked a custom page need to be shown with an
>    appropriate message.
>    4. The custom page to be shown for unauthorized access would differ
>    based on the page requested for.
>    5. I considered configuring the <Directory ...> and .htaccess files
>    but that does not seem to provide the detailed access control noted above.
>    6. Is it possible to make such changes and have them reflected without
>    a server (apache httpd) restart?
> Thanks,
> Rommel
> I RTFM and STFW but as I noted earlier could not have a consolidated
> solution (did not look much in detail yet) so thought of posting to this
> group. thank you for the help in advance!

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