On Mon, 2012-07-23 at 06:12 +0200, ml wrote:

> > Firstly, it's not a good idea to just post to this group saying "hey,
> > go read this URL" like above, as you can bet the majority here wont
> > bother reading it as they are not to know if its malicious or not.
> > 
> > Instead place all relevant information about your problem, and what
> > the wiki suggests you use,  in your post.
> > 
> > That said, try changing   /mailman/   to  /mailman
> > 
> I just remove the slash in expressions. 
> but still same effect
> only the url 
> http://lists.fakessh.eu/mailman
> is rewritten correctly

That was in httpd.conf as  perm redirect? not a rewrite rule, that
should work, I redirect http to https for webmail that way, we
use /webmail/manager  and it is redirected to webmail/manager, not
webmail as  it seems to in your case

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