I am attempting to install Apache to a location on a Windows 2008 R2 virtual 
machine that includes a non-ASCII directory name in the installation path, such 
as "C:\Program Files\ÄßüÖÄßüÖÄßüÖÄßüÖ".  At first the installation itself 
failed, because the custom installation process wrote the value of the 
Installation root to the "ServerRoot" variable in httpd.conf, and the 
installation failed when Apache read the non-ASCII path from its config file.  
I was able to get past this error by writing the short (i.e., 8.3 format) 
directory name of the non-ASCII folder as the value of the ServerRoot variable, 
and the installation now completes successfully.

However, when the script to start Apache runs, Apache starts up but then 
immediately exits.  The command line used in the script is:

httpd.exe -k start -n <Instance name>

Apache starts up fine when the installation path is an all-ASCII path.  It 
exits only when the install path contains non-ASCII characters.

The Apache error logs are not helpful.

The problem seems to occur when the certificate-related variables in the 
httpd.conf file are loaded, and the sub-paths to the *.cert files are appended 
by Apache to its install directory.  If I install the "certs" folder to a 
separate location outside the non-ASCII directory, then Apache starts and runs 
fine even when installed under the non-ASCII location, as long as I put the 
fully qualified path to the certificate paths in the main config file, and 
those paths do not contain non-ASCII character.  This approach, however, would 
not seem to me to be supportable.

So my question is, is Apache configurable in some way to support an 
installation under a non-ASCII directory?

Darwin Kinghorn

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