On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 11:01 AM, Kevin A. McGrail <kmcgr...@pccc.com> wrote:
> Morning All,
> From the docs at http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/logs.html, we have:
> "If CustomLog or ErrorLog directives are placed inside a <VirtualHost>
> section, all requests or errors for that virtual host will be logged only to
> the specified file. "
> ...
> ErrorLog "/htdocs/munge2.pccc.com/logs/munge2.pccc.com-error_log"
> LogLevel warn
> ...
> # <VirtualHost munged.com>
> <VirtualHost>
> ServerAdmin mu...@pccc.com
> DocumentRoot /htdocs/munged.com/html
> ServerName www.munged.com
> ServerAlias munged.com *.munged.com
> ErrorLog /htdocs/munged.com/logs/munged.com-error_log
> CustomLog /htdocs/munged.com/logs/munged.com-access_log combined env=!ban
> SuExecUserGroup munge munge
> </VirtualHost>
> However, I am getting Errors for munged.com in BOTH the default ErrorLog and
> the VirtualHost error log.
> Our best case is this is caused perhaps by SuExec and/or user ownership of
> files, etc.  Any pointers on what might be causing the issue?  We've used
> this type of setup on small servers for many years pre-2.4.

The same errors duplicated, or a mix?  Are you sure the only local
interface used is  If it's "munged.com" on any other
interface, it won't use that VH.

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