httpd version: 2.2.22
server :aix 6.1
install rpm file :
but the rpm file has not include mod_deflate
then, i use apxs to build and install the mod_deflate
 /opt/freeware/apache2/bin/apxs -c -i -a mod_deflate.c

but,mod_deflate can't load, Here is the error

# ./apachectl -t
httpd: Syntax error on line 103 of
/opt/freeware/apache2/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot load
/opt/freeware/apache2/modules/ into server: rtld:
0712-001 Symbol crc32 was referenced\n      from module
/opt/freeware/apache2/modules/, but a runtime
definition\n      of the symbol was not found.\nrtld: 0712-001 Symbol
deflateEnd was referenced\n      from module
/opt/freeware/apache2/modules/, but a runtime
definition\n      of the symbol was not found.\nrtld: 0712-001 Symbol
deflateInit2_ was referenced\n      from module
/opt/freeware/apache2/modules/, but a runtime
definition\n      of the symbol was not found.\nrtld: 0712-001 Symbol
deflate was referenced\n      from module
/opt/freeware/apache2/modules/, but a runtime
definition\n      of the symbol was not found.\nrtld: 0712-001 Symbol
inflateInit2_ was referenced\n      from module
/opt/freeware/apache2/modules/, but a runtime
definition\n      of the symbol was not found.\nrtld: 0712-001 Symbol
inflateEnd was referenced\n      from module
/opt/freeware/apache2/modules/, but a runtime
definition\n      of the symbol was not found.\nrtld: 0712-001 Symbol
inflate was referenced\n      from module
/opt/freeware/apache2/modules/, but a runtime
definition\n      of the symbol was not found.


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