Does app_test = galaxy_qa in this example??

If it does, the error doesn’t make much sense in your problem as a Redirect 
only requires the mod_alias module to be enabled.

But if galaxy_qa != app_test then you got a problem somewhere else where you’re 
trying to do a ProxyPass/ProxyPassReverse for a path without enabling the 
mod_proxy and mod_proxy_http modules.




Manager, IT Operations

Format Dynamics, Inc.

P: 303-228-7327

F: 303-228-7305 <> 


From: Derrick Lin [] 
Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2012 10:21 PM
Subject: [users@httpd] Redirect subdirectory to another virtualhost on Apache??


Hey guys,


I have been trying to do the Apache redirect with no luck so far.


I have one webapp running as a subdirectory of a virtualhost as Recently we have setup a new DNS for this 
webapp called


We then setup another virtualhost points to this new DNS and the webapp (via 
proxy). It's working fine.


But we also need to redirect the old URL to the new one for some old users. 
What I did was, in the virtualhost block, I put:


Redirect permanent /app_test


But it gave 500 internal server error. I checked the error log, the generated 
error is:


[Mon Oct 29 15:17:11 2012] [warn] proxy: No protocol handler was valid for the 
URL /galaxy_qa. If you are using a DSO version of mod_proxy, make sure the 
proxy submodules are included in the configuration using LoadModule.


I am using Apache 2.2.16 on ubuntu 10.10 server.


Any suggestion?




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