On 18/11/2012 12:02 PM, "Chris Arnold" <carn...@electrichendrix.com> wrote:
> >This doesnt make sense you are proxying a domain to itself. Please read
the mod_proxy docs and examples.
> > ProxyPass /
> > ProxyPassReverse /
> I did read the docs and they were some what helpful but not completely.
Hence, my email to the list. What i am trying to understand is the sections
and what they mean. For instance, ProxyPass /. Does this refer to what will
be proxied?
Correct which is the whole document root in this case.

And where the request is proxied?

So in my instance, i need to proxy /welcome/client-software.html
(ProxyPass) to a whole different apache server (
Correct and thats what you said you want to do right?

Or do i have it backwards?
> I do have this working (not what i wanted but is useable):
> ProxyPass /    http://welcome.domain.net/
> ProxyPassReverse /
ProxyPassReverse only makes sense in case of reverse proxy for which you
need to set ProxyRequests to off. So are you trying to set proxy or reverse

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