I have: nginx (port 80) reverse-proxying to apache2 (port 88)
reverse-proxying to a web app (port 5001).

However, when the web app responds with a redirect like `Location:
/foo`, apache2 rewrites this into `Location:
http://host.com:88/sub/foo`, even though port 88 is publicly
inaccessible. I'd like it to just redirect to the relative URL
`Location: /sub/foo`.

Any ideas?

My apache config (using mod_proxy_http, mod_proxy_html, mod_substitute):

      <Location /notes/>
        Allow from all
        SetOutputFilter  proxy-html
        ProxyPassReverse /
        ProxyHTMLURLMap  /   /notes/
        RequestHeader unset Accept-Encoding
        AddOutputFilterByType SUBSTITUTE application/atom+xml
        Substitute "s||host.com/notes|"


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