
I would like to use SSLVerifiyClient in order to do 2-ways authentication.

Here is my situation:

Client < ------- > HAProxy < ------- > Apache (SSL authentication **) < ------- 
> tomcat/apache (Application server)

I have to authenticate clients before they can access to the application so 
it's the goal of (**).

-    Client with no certificate/expired/revoked can't access;

-    Client with valid certificate can access;

1.       First try

I find mod_ssl_error (http://marcstern.tripod.com/mod_ssl_error/) which is 
helpful but based on apache/mod_ssl versions and I don't want to maintain that.

2.       Second try

If I set "SSLVerifiyClient require" on server/vhost context, everything works 
fine at the beginning.

Problems come when I want to redirect users based on the failed reason (no 
certificate/expired/revoked) or to personalize 403 page;

I'm trying to use mod rewrite to do this but it doesn't work, it's always a 403 
that I can't catch with rewrite.

I see that %{SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY}x can give me some informations 
(NONE/failed:reason/...) but this information doesn't work with all browser 
(another search for me is why they always give NONE reason) ?!

IE6 works fine : - FAILED:certificate has expired [16/Nov/2012:14:56:13 +0100] 
"GET /index.php HTTP/1.1" 403 20

IE7 and above give : - NONE [16/Nov/2012:14:56:00 +0100] "GET /index.php HTTP/1.1" 
403 20

(Another problem is that Browsers have a custom 403 page)

Am I right or I missed something in my configuration ?

3.       third try

I find that "SSLVerifiyClient optional" is better to do what I want but I don't 
want to introduce vulnerability.

What I understand is that if client doesn't provide a certificate, he can 
access to my site, and if he provides one, this certificate is verify.

So to have the same control as "require", I have to set a strong verification 
based this times on rewrite rules

        RewriteCond %{SSL:SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY} !=SUCCESS => give the same control 
as require and introduce the possibility to filter on the reason ?!


RewriteCond %{SSL:SSL_CLIENT_V_REMAIN} to control expiration and redirect with 
the proper 403

Can you confirm that point ?

For now, this last solution is the one I prefer but i'm open to any suggestion 
that can help me.

Kind regards,
Guillaume Boulamery

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