Hi Tom,
Thank you very much for your feedback.
Does the actual setting you provided compliant with 32Gb RAM and 8vCPU ?

And another question regarding:
"no point having 1024 httpd slots multiplexing to 10 PHP
workers if 90% of your requests require PHP."

Sorry for my bad skills in english but i don t understand what you mean by
"no point" ?

Thank you for your time and your help it is much appreciated!


I don't know worker, we use event MPM. but it is somewhat similar in
> that you have a number of worker threads spread across a number of
> processes. We use these settings on our reasonably high traffic
> reverse proxy:
> # Each httpd child has 64 worker threads
> ThreadsPerChild 64
> # Start 8 children immediately for 512 workers
> StartServers 8
> # Have at most 16 servers
> ServerLimit 16
> # Start another child if we have less than 128 spare worker threads
> MinSpareThreads 128
> # Kill a child if we have more than 768 worker threads spare
> MaxSpareThreads 768
> With a threaded MPM, MaxClients is ServerLimit * ThreadsPerChild, so
> this allows for 1024 max clients. Each httpd process has a maximum
> SIZE of ~174M, and a RSS of around 75MB.
> Depending upon how much memory you need to allocate to the PHP app,
> and the proportion of hits that will require PHP you may need to scale
> up/down - no point having 1024 httpd slots multiplexing to 10 PHP
> workers if 90% of your requests require PHP.
> Cheers
> Tom
> Is it HP-UX or mingw? Try disabling building of htpasswd tool:
> cd support
> touch htpasswd
> cd ..
> gmake / make

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