On 12/5/2012 12:55 PM, Alex Chen wrote:
> If I enable HTTPS by loading the mod_ssl.so, enabling httpd-ssl.conf, 
> start Apache then remove SSL certificate, SSL private key, will that
> cause Apache to fail to acceptHTTPS requests?
> How if I remove the httpd-ssl.conf all together?
> In a nutshell, will Apache continue to work properly and accept HTTPS if
> all the configurations and directives for serving HTTPS are removed
> after Apache starts successfully,
> Alex

I'm pretty sure that Apache loads all of its configuration data
(including SSL/TLS certificate components) when the service is started.
So, yes, in theory, you could remove the certificate components after
Apache starts, and the server would continue to serve HTTPS requests
because the files are stored in memory. Of course, it would be simple
enough for you to test this yourself.

That said, I remember reading somewhere that Apache attempts to reload
certain portions of that information in the normal course of operation.
Perhaps one of the developers will weigh-in.

Why you would ever want to do something like that is another issue
altogether. Would you care to indulge the curious?


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