Alternatively create a symbolic link and use it as shebang in your perl cgi
scripts. You can switch the symlink then to what ever location you want.

# ln -s /usr/sbin/perl /usr/sbin/my_perl

In the cgi scripts the shebang:


Test it. Then switch to the other perl version:

# rm my_perl
# ln -s /location/of/the/other/perl /usr/sbin/my_perl

and test again.

Lot of different ways to do it ...

2013/1/16 Igor Cicimov <>

> 2013/1/15 Lentes, Bernd <>
> Hi,
>> we have a problem. We want to test perlscripts in apache with two
>> different perl versions. The two versions don't have to exist concurrently,
>> a manual switching between them is sufficient.
>> Any ideas ?
>> Bernd
>> --
>> Bernd Lentes
>> Systemadministration
>> Institut für Entwicklungsgenetik
>> Gebäude 35.34 - Raum 208
>> HelmholtzZentrum münchen
>> phone: +49 89 3187 1241
>> fax:   +49 89 3187 2294
>> Wenn ich eine Idee habe, sorge ich als Erstes dafür, daß die Buchhalter
>> nichts erfahren.
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>> Sir Richard Branson
>> Helmholtz Zentrum München
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>> Geschäftsführer: Prof. Dr. Günther Wess und Dr. Nikolaus Blum
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> Point the shebang in the top of the perl script to what ever version you
> want.

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