I have hit the wall trying to implement LedgerSMB on Windows.  First hurdle
is getting Apache htttpd to recognise the C:\Program_Files\LedgerSMB folder
so that the browser can execute and then display
http://localhost/ledgersmb/setup.pl.  (See previous posts with Subject
"Getting Apache to recognise the LedgerSMB home folder".

Would someone please help me who has successfully implemented a standalone
installation of LedgerSMB operating in loopback mode (server and client
browser are both on localhost for single-user access?

I would like to examine your httpd.conf and ledgersmb-httpd.conf files from
your running LedgerSMB implementation to try to work out what I am doing



Hedley Finger

28 Regent Street   Camberwell VIC 3124   Australia
Tel: +61 3 9809 1229   Mobile (cell): +61 412 461 558
Email. "Hedley Finger"

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