Op 19 feb. 2013 om 21:01 heeft "Walter H." <walte...@mathemainzel.info> het 
volgende geschreven:

> Hello,
> DNS names won't work here;
> because the connection is made by an IP host,
> for this a reverse DNS request would be neccessary;
> the apache log files also also don't contain DNS names, just IP addresses;

Note: This is only true if HostnameLookups is set to off

> I wouldn't do this, because this decreases performance;
> Walter
> On 19.02.2013 19:49, Marc Fromm wrote:
>> I am using some htaccess files to control access to a few web pages.
>> The htaccess file works if I use the ip address of the computer to grant 
>> access, but not its name.
>> Is there another setting to enable for  “Allow from 
>> computername.domain.name” to work like using the ip address “Allow from 
>> ###.###.###.###” ?
>> Order deny,allow
>> Deny from all
>> Allow from computername.domain.name //this does not grant access
>> Allow from ###.###.###.### //this grants access
>> The computers and the server are all on the same network
>> Thanks
>> Marc

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