Hello Krist,

Thanks for your response.

After correcting application configuration, Load balancing is working fine.

Amol Puglia

 From: Igor Cicimov <icici...@gmail.com>
To: users <users@httpd.apache.org>; Amol Puglia <amolcpug...@yahoo.com> 
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2013 6:53 PM
Subject: Re: [users@httpd] apache revealing the hostname of backend tomcat 

On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 10:44 PM, Amol Puglia <amolcpug...@yahoo.com> wrote:

Hello Team,
>I am redirecting request from apache to backend server tomcat using 
>The request is getting redirected but url is getting converted to backend 
>server url.
>For example :-
>If apache web server url is http:\\server and backend server url is 
>when i access url http:\\server the request is redirecting to http:\\serverA 
>but url is also getting changed and in browser it is showing http:\\serverA.
>Kindly help me to resolve this issue.

You need ProxyPassReverse in that case. Example

<Location /tomcats/app1/> 
     ProxyPass balancer://tomcats/app1/ stickysession=jssesionid|JSESSIONID 
nofailover=On lbmethod=byrequests 
     ProxyPassReverse balancer://tomcats/app1/ 
     Order Deny,Allow 
     Allow from all 

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