----- Original Message -----

From: "Chris" 
To: users@httpd.apache.org 
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2013 1:34:03 PM 
Subject: [users@httpd] Apache Not Redirecting 

>Apache 2.2.12 on sles11 sp2. We are trying to get users to access 
>http://share.domain.com . Apache has a >VirtualHost file with redirectmatch 
>^/$ http://share.domain.com/share 
>Apache seems to not be redirecting this. Here is http://share.domain.com 
>Any ideas why apache is not performing the redirectmatch? 

So, i am wondering if i can do a http_host regex? Something like: 
<VirtualHost *:80> 
ServerName share.* 

JkMount /share|/* worker1 
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^share\. 
RedirectMatch ^/$ http://share.{HTTP_HOST}/share/ 


Would that accomplish anydomain? We will have many clients accessing the same 
content at http://share.theirdomain.tld and we need it to redirect to 

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