mod_authz_dbm responds to Require dbm-group (and dbm-file-group) only
in 2.4 which seems to be a change from 2.2.

On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 4:55 AM,  <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using v2.4.4 of httpd compiled by ApacheLounge (running on Windows 
> Server 2003, in case that's significant) and am trying to get the "Require 
> group" directive working with basic authentication and the "dbm" provider.  
> I've uncommented the LoadModule lines relating to mod_authn_dbm and 
> mod_authz_dbm and my configuration includes the following:
> <Directory "C:/Apache24/site/feedback">
> AuthType Basic
> AuthName "Secure Area"
> AuthBasicProvider dbm
> AuthDBMUserFile site/data/users
> AuthDBMGroupFile site/data/users
> Require group admin
> </Directory>
> (Note that site/data is not accessible via the webserver.)
> Even though the AuthDBMGroupFile directive is clearly understood (httpd -t 
> responds "Syntax OK" and the server starts successfully), it appears to be 
> ignored or something else is trying to find a group file by other means, as 
> the error in the log file is:
> AH01664: No group file was specified in the configuration
> Looking at the mod_authz_dbm documentation at 
> I'm as sure as I can be that I'm using it as described, but it just doesn't 
> seem to work!
> It's probably worth mentioning that in other directories I've used the same 
> configuration but instead of "Require group admin" I've used "Require 
> valid-user" and that works fine, so site/data/users is OK.  I've also tried 
> commenting out the LoadModule lines relating to mod_authn_file (commenting 
> out has no effect when using only "dbm" as a provider) and 
> mod_authz_groupfile (appears to be required for "Require group" to work, 
> since httpd -t complains when it's commented out).
> Any pointers would be appreciated on whether my configuration looks incorrect 
> or what the problem might be.
> Many thanks,
> Richard
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Eric Covener

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