On 08/04/2013 10:15, Ashly Pridmore wrote:
> Hello!
> We are using Apache as a front end for communication to a number of devices
> using TR69 (SOAP over HTTP). In order to resolve a problem with a particular
> device, I need to enable KeepAlive, but upon doing so I find that a number of
> our other devices drop connection to the server until they are rebooted. The
> reboot requirement is an acknowledge bug from the vendor, but I would like to
> resolve the problem with the device communication as it suggests capacity
> issues with our current configuration of Apache.
> At present, with KeepAlive disabled, the command
> netstat -plan|grep :80|wc -l
> returns a value between 5000 and 5500. This drops dramatically if keepalive is
> enabled, to around 300 to 400.
> At present, Apache is configured as:
> Timeout 120
> KeepAlive Off
> MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
> KeepAliveTimeout 5
> <IfModule prefork.c>
> StartServers 8
> MinSpareServers 5
> MaxSpareServers 20
> ServerLimit 1024
> MaxClients 1024
> MaxRequestsPerChild 0 #unlimited
> </IfModule>
> <IfModule worker.c>
> StartServers 2
> MaxClients 1000
> MinSpareThreads 25
> MaxSpareThreads 75
> ThreadsPerChild 25
> MaxRequestsPerChild 0
> </IfModule>
> The issue appears to be that when I enable KeepAlive with this configuration
> Apache intermittently stops accepting connections on the socket. We found that
> before changing the httpd.conf file (we raised the max clients and
> maxrequestsperchild variables) and enabling KeepAlive meant that I was
> intermittently unable to telnet into the server on port 80, suggesting a
> capacity issue.
> I am wondering how high would be an acceptable limit for these values, and if
> anyone had any other ideas for what might be causing this.
> Thanks in advance!
At least say if u run prefork of worker mpm.

KeepAlive is not recommended for a high traffic generally.
In both configus you have too much delta between startserver/spareservers and
maxclients. Apache spawn childs at fixed rate so it dont follow high connections

Simone Caruso
IT Consultant
+39 349 65 90 805

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