Yes.  You can see that below.  I tried KeptBodySize 65536.

I think my troubles are related to an open bug actually:

So it seems I'm on the right track but that bug is stopping things from working.

Looking in the debugging it seems the keptbodysize input filter runs after the form data has already been consumed by mod_auth_form. Although I'm not sure if that means anything...


On 05/02/2013 04:50 PM, Paul Norton wrote:
Hello David
Have you tried mod_request->keptbodysize

All the best Paul

On 1 May 2013 19:13, David Mansfield < <>> wrote:

    Hi All:

    I'm using apache 2.4.4 compiled on Centos 6.3 and attempting to
    use mod_auth_form for "inline login with body preservation".

    The problem is that the POSTed body (from the
    original/unauthenticated page) is lost forever when the login page
    is rendered, so it seems impossible to know what to put for the
    value of the httpd_body variable.

    I have tried both a cgi and a mod_include based script.   I have

    KeptBodySize 65536

    along with one of

    ErrorDocument 401 /cgi-bin/login.cgi


    ErrorDocument 401 /login.shtml

    How can I access the original POST data during the login page
    rendering in this scenario?

    It seems the fundamental problem is the ErrorDocument handler is
    discarding the POST during internal redirect...

-- Thanks,
    David Mansfield
    Cobite, INC.

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