Hi Yehuda,

Thanks for your answer and... yep, I can't change the 'destination' server.
Nevertheless this is an interesting answer, because it is first one near
the solution I was looking for.

Anyway, may be there is a problem with the order of execution.
I mean, as far as I read, this solution is based on an apache "load
balancer" feature and I'm not sure we can define the order wherewith origin
and destination servers will be used.
I must execute the first request on 'destination' server and, only if the
resource is not found, I could try with 'origin'.

Just for sake of curiosity I'll try to implement it in my test env.

Thanks again for your answer,

2013/5/21 Yehuda Katz <yeh...@ymkatz.net>

> Your question looks similar to this StackOverflow question:
> http://serverfault.com/questions/83099/apache2-mod-proxy-w-multiple-reverse-proxies
> I am guessing from your question that you can't even change that much on
> the 'destination' server.
> I have also looked for a way to do this and come up empty.
> - Y
> On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 4:17 AM, Vincenzo D'Amore <v.dam...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm moving a big directory of images from an HTTP server to another and I
>> cannot change any configuration. I would like my users don't even
>> suppose there is a moving in progress. So I thought to add a new Apache
>> httpd server 2.2 configured as reverse proxy in front of both of those
>> servers.
>> Let me say, we can call those servers 'origin' and 'destination'.
>> Apache when a resource does not exists in the destination should try to
>> get it in the origin server.
>> I suppose to do this check, I mean if the resource exist or not in
>> 'destination' server, using mod_rewrite, I mean RewriteCond -U option.
>> Actually my tentative has failed, it seems impossible check the existence
>> of external resource using only standard apache 2.2 directives.
>> This is my tentative:
>>     RewriteCond %{IS_SUBREQ}    true
>>     RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} ^/destination
>>     RewriteRule .       http://destination-server%{REQUEST_FILENAME}
>> [P,L]
>>     # Check "destination" requests
>>     RewriteCond %{IS_SUBREQ}    false
>>     RewriteCond "/destination%{REQUEST_FILENAME}" -U
>>     RewriteRule . http://destination-server%{REQUEST_FILENAME} [P,L]
>>     RewriteCond %{IS_SUBREQ}    false
>>     RewriteRule .            http://origin-server%{REQUEST_URI}
>>  [P,L]
>> Is there any way to do this using mod_rewrite or some standard Apache
>> httpd module?
>> Ciao,
>> Vincenzo

Vincenzo D'Amore
email: v.dam...@gmail.com
skype: free.dev
mobile: +39 349 8513251

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