Hi Dave,

Zitat von "Isenhower, Dave" <dave.isenho...@siemens.com>:
We’re running prefork. I can see the processes running under the correct user:

$ ps -ef | grep httpd
apache 14638 26766 0 11:32 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/httpd -d /www/etc/apache/config -c Pidfile /web/logs/pid-files/httpd.pid -f /www/etc/apache/config/httpd.conf

$ groups apache
apache : apache

Even adding read and execute to others on the config directory isn’t sufficient. I still have to add read to the htpasswd file itself.


have you double-checked the effective user/group of your processes?

# ps -ax -o pid,euser,egroup,args|grep httpd



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